A Thought on Wealth Distribution
There was a time before Karl Marx. A time before Maynard Keynes and Adam Smith. A time before the political theory of Locke and Rousseau. There was a time when Christians didn’t think in terms of individual rights or argue about the virtues of socialism versus capitalism.
Evangelical No More
In the American context, I no longer believe the term evangelical can be redeemed. It has been politicized in a manner that deprives it of all historical meaning. Therefore, it is no longer a descriptor that I can apply to myself.
It’s been a few weeks
I haven’t been writing because it’s been too hard to focus on one thing.
Lessons from Kenya - 25 years ago
Twenty-five years ago this summer I stepped off the plane. It was hot, muggy, and dark. The air was thick and mixed with the smell of dust and fuel. We had arrived in Nairobi, Kenya. It was my first time in sub-Saharan Africa and it would change my life.
We, humans, were created to bear God’s image in the world and God gave us, humanity, the responsibility to be stewards of creation. To be God’s representatives on this planet. Only something went terribly wrong.
Conflicting Kingdoms
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8
I’ve been living with this particular thought for several weeks.
Pulled Over
It was late in the summer of 1992. I had moved from Belfast in June and was settling into my life in Minnesota when I saw the flashing lights of a police cruiser pull up behind me.
Review: The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump
With November 3rd, just under five months away, The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump serves as an important point of engagement for Christians who seek to be faithful to their calling to follow Jesus Christ in the world and who seek to put their commitment to the kingdom of God ahead of all other allegiances.
I’m always right …
I’m always right, except when I’m wrong. My kids would often protest, “Dad, you always think you’re right!” To which I would respond, “Of course I do, if I thought I was wrong I would change my mind so I could be right again!”
George Floyd - 38th and Chicago a Photo Story
This afternoon I went to 38th and Chicago to so my solidarity with the black community of Minneapolis. I had my camera with me. I had no idea the first event I would shoot after coming off our stay at home order would be a protest of the unjust killing of a black man.
#Black Lives Matter - His name is George Floyd
I don’t get it. I can’t get it. There are many ways in which people are privileged in life and I am most definitely privileged. I am white, male, Christian, affluent, and able-bodied to name a few. In the society in which I live I have nothing going against me and I like it.
The Church is Open!
My heart dropped, my stomach churned, and I was filled with deep sadness last Wednesday when I heard that the Roman Catholic Church of Minnesota and the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod had decided to defy Governor Walz’s order and reopen their church buildings this weekend.
Christians are Globalists, Not Nationalists
Christianity is, by definition, globalist in its perspective. In a world in which nationalism and anti-immigration policies are on the rise, Christianity offers an alternative narrative.
The Siren’s Call
Today white evangelicals in America have heard the siren’s call and shipwrecked themselves on the shores of American exceptionalism and a false vision of the kingdom of God, putting their hope in Donald Trump to win a cultural war that has nothing to do with God’s kingdom while they fight to protect the myth of “Christian America.”
On January 1st of this year I wrote in my journal, “A simple focus for this year - MINIMIZE UNNECESSARY DISTRACTIONS.” My desire was that 2020 would be a year of clarity.