George Floyd - 38th and Chicago a Photo Story
This afternoon I went to 38th and Chicago to show my solidarity with the black community of Minneapolis. I had my camera with me. I had no idea the first event I would shoot after coming off our stay at home order would be a protest of the unjust killing of a black man. I’ll provide a little commentary on these images, but I mostly want to let them speak for the themselves.
I want to start with the most emotional image I took. To take this shot I had to lie down on the road about a car width out from the curb. Yes, in almost the exact spot that George Floyd was lying. I wept as I took it.
George Floyd died here.
Plenty of people had come by to pay tribute, to leave flowers and signs of their sadness and frustration.
But it was really about the people and all they are experiencing.
The anger, frustration, and sorrow was evident in the signs held by people of every race and creed.
They are already creating a more permanent tribute to George Floyd on the south side of Cup Foods.
The beauty of the mural takes nothing away from the tragic killing of George Floyd. The real question we have to ask is what will we do about this? How will we respond? Will white men, like me, stand side by side with the black community? Will we be a voice for change? Will we work for that change? Will we invest our time and energy?
I only ask because the children are scared.
I hope I never have to hold a sign like this.