Neil Craigan Neil Craigan


I’m going on sabbatical! On January 1st I will begin a three month sabbatical from my work as the pastor of First Presbyterian Church, White Bear Lake. I’ve thought about this moment for a long time and after thirteen years and eight months of ministry it’s time for a break.

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The Pastors and Theologians Killed Jesus
Neil Craigan Neil Craigan

The Pastors and Theologians Killed Jesus

As a religious leader the answer troubles me. The people most opposed to God in their midst were the religious leaders - the very people who were supposed to be serving God and encouraging God’s people to do the same

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A Political Agenda?
Neil Craigan Neil Craigan

A Political Agenda?

A couple of months ago I was accused on social media of being entangled in a political narrative. I was told I needed to sacrifice, “the obsession with [my] political narrative.” It’s not a new accusation, I’ve been accused of it many times and it’s false, or at least partially false.

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Who Do I Write For?
Neil Craigan Neil Craigan

Who Do I Write For?

I write for myself, a misfit, an immigrant, a citizen of two nations and a resident of a third, a follower of Jesus seeking to live my life in a way that honours him.

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Grace Not Culture Wars
Neil Craigan Neil Craigan

Grace Not Culture Wars

We all saw it coming. Trump made no secret of how he was going to nominate people to the Supreme Court as Mitch McConnell prevented President Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland from getting a hearing.

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“Woke” - Yes Please
Neil Craigan Neil Craigan

“Woke” - Yes Please

It’s disturbing to me that so many on the right of the political spectrum are demonizing the term “woke.” If they want to use it as a pejorative term then it says more about them than it does about those who are interested in developing a greater awareness and understanding of the issues of racism and other social injustices facing our world today.

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A Moment On Highway 61
Neil Craigan Neil Craigan

A Moment On Highway 61

A middle-aged gentleman stood off the road to my left, he was leaning against a signpost holding a piece of cardboard with the words, “Please Help,” written on it.

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Life as a Foreigner
Neil Craigan Neil Craigan

Life as a Foreigner

No nation of this world can claim my “true faith and allegiance.” I will always work, as Jeremiah calls us to, for “the peace and prosperity of the city” in which I live as an exile, but I will always stand as a foreigner who has thoughts and ideas that are strange in this world.

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